Lung Buddy 

Electronic cigarette



Save your health and wealth and smoke anywhere at anytime !!!


Lung Buddy is a personal vaporiser which uses micro electronic to atomise liquid made of propyline glycol,water , flavourants and nicotine to create a mist simulanting cigarette smoke. No toxic secondhand smoke ! It's the latest smoking trend to sweep the world, milions of units are being sold world wide and are now avaidable in South Africa.


The advantages of smoking a Lung Buddy:

No tar

No tobacco

No chemicals or carcinogens

No secondhand smoke

No unpleasant smoking odours

No fire hazards

No cigarette buds

No nicotine stains

No yellow teeth

No bad breath

No disruptive smoke breaks


How it works:
The Lung buddy electronic cigarettes work by atomising liquid which contains water, propyline glycol, flavourants and nicotine, into a fine mist which simulates the look, feel and taste of real cigarette smoke.
When pulling on the filter of a Lung Buddy, a sensor activates the microchip which then triggers the lithium ion battery which activates the atomiser. The liquid contained in the filter cartridges is heated to a point of atomisation and a fine mist containing nicotine is released. This mist contains no tar, harmful chemicals and carcinogens.

Does it pay to smoke a Lung Buddy?
Aside from the health benefits, smoking a lung buddy saves you money. The average 20 a day smoker spends an average of R8395,00 on cigarettes per year. A Lung Buddy cigarette will pay for itself within 30 days, and the cost of smoking thereafter is greatly reduced due to the fact that the cartridges, containing roughly the same amount of nicotine as one box of cigarettes, costs only R9,00. Taking this cost saving into account, an average 20 per day smoker would only spend R2920,00 per year on nicotine. This is a saving of R5475,00 per year. These calculations do not take other expenses eg: lighters, gum, breath mints etc….

Does a Lung Buddy feel like the real thing?
With each puff on a Lung Buddy Cigar or Cigarette an orange LED light at the end of the Lung Buddy lights up, this mimics the cherry of a real cigarette. The Vapour that is created looks and feels like real smoke as it is inhaled , it also tastes similar to that of a real cigarette. The fact that the vapour contains nicotine further reinforces the sensation of smoking and satisfies a smokers craving.

Smokers are addicted to the nicotine contained in tobacco and not tobacco itself. Tobacco is known to contain more than 4200 harmful chemicals, these chemicals as well as dangerous carcinogens, “cancer forming agents”, carbon monoxide and tar are responsible for lung damage as well as other dangers associated with smoking.

Smoking a Lung Buddy satisfies ones addiction to nicotine but has far less dangerous effects.

Cigarette smoke vs Lung Buddy vapour
Cigarette smoke is a deadly mixture of chemicals produced as a result of burning tobacco, glue and paper. Tobacco contains over 600 approved additives and its smoke releases deadly tar , more than 4000 harmful chemicals including cyanide, ammonia, lead and benzene. Lung Buddy vapour contains propylene glycol, a common organic compound used as a preservative, which is responsible for the dense vapour and suspension of flavour. The vapour released is basically water vapour allowing you to smoke basically anywhere.

The average cigarette lasts 15 puffs, one Lung Buddy cigarette cartridge has the nicotine equivalent to one packet of Cigarettes or 300 puffs. One Lung Buddy cigar cartridge has the nicotine equivalent to 5 ½ packets of Cigarettes or 1700 puffs.

How to smoke your Lung Buddy
The electronic cigarette should be held in slight horizontal or downward position; this ensures that the liquid cartridge touches the atomiser and creates a good amount of smoke. Please see the instruction leaflet provided with your Lung Buddy to ensure the correct assembly of your Lung Buddy. Batteries should be charged for 12 hours before using your Lung Buddy for the first time. Once batteries are low the LED light will flash to indicate they need recharging. If cartridges are low the vapour released will become less dense, replace the cartridge when the puffs are less satisfying.




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